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Songs of Resistance and Hope:  A video podcast by Jane Wilburn Sapp, singer, songwriter, cultural activist and educator

Jane Sapp believes that songs communicate ideas in ways that can move people to act on their visions for the world. Songs can plant seeds in our collective memory and energize the movements for social justice. They have the ability to give voice to a moral conscience and a moral imagination. In the eight episodes of Songs of Resistance and Hope, Jane Sapp offers specific songs to the current movement for racial justice. They were produced by Armine Avetisyan and the Brandeis Program in Peacebuilding and the Arts, in partnership with ReCAST, Inc. Piano scores, stories, Jane’s theories of social change, and more songs can be found in her book Let’s Make a Better World: Stories and Songs by Jane Sapp, available through her website janesapp.org.

We are bringing the scholarly rigor, insight and beauty of ATWS to the online e-learning sphere. Take a moment and visit our new website where the many multimedia and print resources are easy to access and download, and check out the new mini-documentary. The website offers information, resources for teaching and learning, links, and access to downloading the full documentary, which is available on a sliding scale. DVDs can still be purchased via this website, including multilingual DVDs.

ReCAST, Inc. is pleased to partner with Brandeis University’s Program on Peacebuilding and the Arts on IMPACT: The Imagining Together Platform for Arts Culture and Conflict Transformation. IMPACT is a global collaborative effort, supported during its design phase by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. IMPACT is now an emerging strategy to support the arts, culture and conflict transformation ecosystem. Learn more about IMPACT. To help ensure the continuity of this groundbreaking initiative, please donate here:

“But Abu Ibrahim, We’re Family!” By Dr. Lee Perlman “But Abu Ibrahim, We’re Family!” is a series of case studies, describing collaborations between Jewish and Palestinian professional theater artists in Israel and the theater they create to reflect their realities. Read more and purchase.
The Program in Peacebuilding and the Arts at Brandeis University provided small grants to college and university educators to support efforts to incorporate the resources of the Acting Together project into curricula. Read more about the grant recipients and updates on how they are putting the resources to use.

ReCAST featured in the American Theatre MagazineRead more.

Watch a video of a song about racial discrimination and voting rights in the U.S. written and performed by a group of Brandeis students in the songwriting workshop with cultural worker, musician, organizer and educator Jane Wilburn Sapp. during the Now As Then event series focusing creative attention on the struggle for voting rights. To purchase the Acting Together DVD and Anthologies, please visit our Shop.