Documentary & Toolkit


The feature-length documentary “Acting Together on the World Stage” highlights courageous and creative artists and peacebuilders working in zones of violent conflict. It features theatrical works and rituals that support communities to configure new patterns of meaning and relationships. It includes three acts: Resistance, Rehumanization and Reconciliation.

The documentary is designed for students, practitioners, educators, and policymakers in fields related to performance and to peace and conflict studies. Dynamic footage of performances, rituals and candid interviews with artists and peacebuilders place case studies in their socio-political and cultural contexts.

Accompanying the documentary is a second disc, a toolkit with 18 additional short videos, and 18 print documents. The short videos expand on the material presented in the documentary. The print documents include guidelines for planning and documenting peacebuilding performance initiatives, discussion questions, policy recommendations, a glossary and other resources for teaching, learning and conversing.

NEW in 2020:

We are bringing the scholarly rigor, insight and beauty of ATWS to the online e-learning sphere. Take a moment and visit our new website where the many multimedia and print resources are easy to access and download, and check out the new mini-documentary. The website offers information, resources for teaching and learning, links, and access to downloading the full documentary, which is available on a sliding scale. DVDs can still be purchased below, and purchase the multilingual DVD here.

Multilingual DVD:

ReCAST is proud to announce the multilingual translation of the Acting Together Documentary. Read here for more information and be sure to visit our Global Campaign page to learn about how you can get involved!

View the Acting Together Trailer:


Learn more about the Acting Together anthology.