Acting Together

Acting Together on the World Stage: Performance and the Creative Transformation of Conflict

A preview of the 54-minute Acting Together documentary

ATWS preview

Co-created by Cynthia Cohen and Allison Lund

with Brandeis University and Theatre Without Borders

NEW in 2020:

We are bringing the scholarly rigor, insight and beauty of ATWS to the online e-learning sphere. Take a moment and visit our new website where the many multimedia and print resources are easy to access and download, and check out the new mini-documentary. The website offers information, resources for teaching and learning, links, and access to downloading the full documentary, which is available on a sliding scale. DVDs can still be purchased via the ReCAST website, including multilingual DVDs.

Multilingual DVD:

ReCAST is proud to announce the multilingual translation of the Acting Together Documentary. Read here for more information and be sure to visit our Global Campaign page to learn about how you can get involved!

ReCAST, Inc., is pleased to partner with the Program in Peacebuilding and the Arts at Brandeis University, Theatre Without Borders, and New Village Press in disseminating the anthologies, documentary, toolkit and the knowledge created through the groundbreaking project Acing Together on the World Stage.  We are now disseminating the multilingual version of the award-winning Acting Together documentary in a Global Campaign.

Project Summary:
From the boundary of human suffering and human possibility emerges a story that offers hope to our war-weary world. It is a story that arises on a contested boundary, but not the kind of boundary that divides people at war. It is rather the border between the violence and inequity of our current condition and the more just and peaceful world we seek, terrain where artists and peacebuilders engage people in creative acts of courage and moral imagination.

Acting Together has been exploring this terrain for the past six years. The project documents peacebuilding performance, highlighting artists, peacebuilders, and community leaders from every continent whose rituals and theatrical works speak truth to power and support communities to mourn losses and build bridges across differences.

Witness the courageous acts of artist-peacebuilders in the documentary. Read their stories in the anthology. Plan peacebuilding performances using the toolkit. Join the Acting Together conversation, with your own acts of courage, compassion and resolve.

“Acting Together on the World Stage” is an exploration of how performance engages conflict, nurtures constructive change, and builds peace. It artfully places before us the human story unfolding and invites us to penetrate through the mask to find our way back to humanity.– John Paul Lederach.

Would you like to host a film screening or training for your classroom or community group? Visit our “Plan your event” page to explore options.

To purchase a DVD of the Acting Together documentary, toolkit or anthology, please visit our shop or purchase directly below.

NEW: You may also download the full documentary through our new website.

Documentary & Toolkit Package:


Multilingual Disc:


ReCast is a proud partner organization of Acting Together.
Visit the Acting Together home page at Brandeis’ Peacebuilding and the Arts website.