
Please click or read below to learn more about our trainings.

Peacebuilding and the Arts: Core Concepts and Principles

Structure:  2 – 3 day workshop with experiential activities, mini-lectures, group work and discussions. Target Audience: Artists, activists, cultural workers, peacebuilding practitioners, funders and policymakers and students of these fields Facilitators: Cynthia Cohen with members of the Cultural Resource Team. In this workshop participants gain an overview of the field of Social Transformation through the Arts. They address core concepts and tensions that define the peacebuilding field, including peace and justice, remembering the past and creating the future, justice and compassion, the moral imagination and conflict analysis. They also explore how leading artist/peacebuilders balance the imperatives of aesthetic integrity and sociopolitical effectiveness, and consider how their own work reflects these values. Participants will work with tools to assist them in planning, documenting and assessing arts-informed social change efforts.

A Way Out of No Way: Lessons from the Field of Community Cultural Development

Structure:  1 – 6 two-hour sessions.  Customize the timing and content. Target Audience: Artists, activists, cultural workers, peacebuilding practitioners, funders and policymakers and students of these fields Facilitator: Jane Sapp and Cynthia Cohen A Way Out of No Way is an introduction to cultural work as a practice of social change. Workshop participants will consider cultural practices and what they offer to human and community development. They will explore the principles and theories of cultural work, and how such practices can be incorporated into the work of education, community organizing, community development, creative expression, and work in the field of human rights. They will also examine the transformational power of the aesthetic, and how the expressive forms of one’s own culture can be integrated into a theory of change and one’s own practice.

Facilitating Encounters Through the Arts

Structure: weekend workshop with experiential activities, mini-lectures, group work and discussions. Target Audience: Practitioners working in zones of violent conflict Facilitator: Farhat Agbaria with Cynthia Cohen. Through group work juxtaposed with diverse experiences with art, participants will explore issues of identity, engage in dialogue, and learn tools to adapt to their own context.

Acting Together: An Introduction to Performance in Zones of Violent Conflict

Description coming soon.