Acting Together

From the boundary of human suffering and human possibility emerges a story that offers hope to our war-weary world. It is a story that arises on a contested boundary, but not the kind of boundary that divides people at war. It is rather the border between the violence and inequity of our current condition and the more just and peaceful world we seek, terrain where artists and peacebuilders engage people in creative acts of courage and moral imagination.

Acting Together, a collaboration between Brandeis University and Theatre Without Borders, has been exploring this terrain for the past seven years. The project documents peacebuilding performance, highlighting artists, peacebuilders, and community leaders from every continent whose rituals and theatrical works speak truth to power and support communities to mourn losses and build bridges across differences.

Witness the courageous acts of artist-peacebuilders in the documentary. Read their stories in the anthology. Plan peacebuilding performances using the toolkit. Join the Acting Together conversation, with your own acts of courage, compassion and resolve.

ReCast is a proud partner organization of Acting Together.
Visit the Acting Together home page at Brandeis’ Peacebuilding and the Arts website.

To purchase Acting Together documentary, toolkit or anthology, please visit our shop.